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Sounding the alarm

Sounding the alarm

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MPS surveyed more than 1,000 doctors in training about their experiences – one of the biggest issues was quality of care, with 51% having concerns over the quality of care in their workplace.

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Factsheet 05/06/2015

Controlled drugs - England

Controlled drugs - England

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Under the Misuse of Drugs Act (1971) and the Misuse of Drugs Regulations (2001), GPs have a responsibility for controlled drugs (CDs) within their practice. This factsheet highlights what you should be aware of when carrying, storing and recording controlled drugs.

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How to… make the most of core specialty training

How to… make the most of core specialty training

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Securing specialty training is a crucial milestone in securing a job in the specialty you want. So once you’ve achieved this, you can relax until registrar applications open right? Wrong… write Dr Edward Gee and Dr Sammie Jo Arnold

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Factsheet 06/05/2015

Needlestick injuries - Scotland

Needlestick injuries - Scotland

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Needlestick injuries can be classified as any piercing wound caused by a hypodermic needle, or by other sharp instruments or objects such as scalpels, mounted needles, broken glassware, etc. This factsheet sets out the main concerns for healthcare professionals and what to do when needlestick injuries happen.

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Factsheet 27/04/2015

Dealing with non-compliant patients - Wales

Dealing with non-compliant patients - Wales

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A doctor’s primary concern is to do their best for their patients; this includes giving advice and treatment, and arranging investigations in accordance with the current evidence base and the patient’s best interests.

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Factsheet 02/03/2015

Needlestick injuries - Northern Ireland

Needlestick injuries - Northern Ireland

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Needlestick injuries can be classified as any piercing wound caused by a hypodermic needle, or by other sharp instruments or objects such as scalpels, mounted needles, broken glassware, etc. This factsheet sets out the main concerns for healthcare professionals and what to do when needlestick injuries happen.

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Factsheet 14/01/2015

Statement of fitness for work - Northern Ireland

Statement of fitness for work - Northern Ireland

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Fit note is an informal name for the Statement of Fitness for Work. The Statement intends to advise patients who are on sick leave for more than seven days on whether, with extra support from their employer, they could return to work.

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