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Workshop 08/10/2019

Mastering consent and shared decision-making

Mastering consent and shared decision-making

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When a patient is dissatisfied with the decision-making process surrounding their treatment, the risk of a complaint or claim can increase drastically. This workshop provides expert insights into conducting conversations with your patients. It will help you provide the advice they need to reach healthcare decisions that are right for them

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Articles and features 25/06/2019

It could happen to you

It could happen to you

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Dr T has worked as a GDP for 15 years. He talks to us about an unusual complaint he received and the lessons he has learned from it.

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Workshop 14/12/2018

Building resilience and avoiding burnout

Building resilience and avoiding burnout

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The demand placed on modern clinicians means the possibility of burnout is growing significantly, impacting both the quality of care and potential increase in risk to patients. This workshop will help you recognise the signs of burnout and give you the knowledge and confidence to manage the symptoms, recover and prevent reoccurrence.

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Advice booklet 07/08/2018

Handling the media - a guide for dentists

Handling the media - a guide for dentists

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Handling the Media - A Guide for Dentists has been designed to reflect members’ needs and the current press environment. The guide provides advice on the most effective way to respond to a journalist, from initial contact to providing a statement.

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Workshop 01/07/2018

Mastering adverse outcomes

Mastering adverse outcomes

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​This workshop will give you the skills to successfully communicate with your patients should they suffer an adverse outcome during their care. Gain effective strategies and enhanced skills to help you respond, with an introduction to the ethical, legal and regulatory obligations that you would face following an adverse outcome.

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Workshop 01/07/2018

Mastering difficult interactions

Mastering difficult interactions

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This workshop helps you identify and utilise a range of different skills in difficult interactions with patients and colleagues. These skills can help you reach a more favourable clinical outcome and still preserve the integrity of professional relationships. Very constructive. Finally, a model of workplace behaviour that will help change my patient interactions in the future.

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Workshop 01/07/2018

Mastering your risk

Mastering your risk

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This workshop gives you a thorough grounding in the issues surrounding managing risk through communication. It introduces proven preventative skills and techniques you can implement immediately to reduce your exposure to litigation and complaints, improving patient safety.

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Articles and features 08/06/2018

Redaction and anonymisation - doing your bit for data protection

Redaction and anonymisation - doing your bit for data protection

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New data protection regulations came into force on 25 May and MPS is committed to fulfilling its legal obligations – correct redaction and anonymisation is one way that you can play your part in safeguarding data.

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Case study 14/10/2015

Are we there yet?

Are we there yet?

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I don’t think that I was taught orthodontics very well at an undergraduate level. That is to say, I think our lecturers scared us off it, telling us that it was best left to ‘the experts’ and so I didn't leave dental school feeling in any way confident to treat orthodontic patients.

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Reflection of a Foundation Trainee: Managing the Difficult Patient

Reflection of a Foundation Trainee: Managing the Difficult Patient

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Katy Martin studied at University of Sheffield and qualified in 2014. She is currently a foundation trainee in London on the UCL Eastman training scheme. Katie is starting a dental core training post in Thames Valley in September 2015.

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Where Dentistry Meets Social Media

Where Dentistry Meets Social Media

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Scott Wright is a fourth year dental student currently studying at the University of Glasgow. His reason behind writing this article was to inform other students and young dentists about the impact social media can have on them both personally and professionally. Additionally Scott hopes to give professionals some advice regarding online activity.

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An experience

An experience

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A young dentist shares his experience of foundation training and how to provide the best patient care to achieve a happy patient.

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Dental patients young and old

Dental patients young and old

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Jane Merivale a dento-legal adviser at Dental Protection offers some ideas to eliminate any communication gap between you and some of your patients.

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Developing a relationship with a new dental team

Developing a relationship with a new dental team

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Dating websites have been increasing in quantity and popularity. Magazines post articles on every second page about making first impressions, how to dress, how to speak. This all points to one fact: its hard work meeting new people. Its an important occasion meeting potential partners you might live with for the rest of your life.

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